venerdì 8 settembre 2017

The Warrior

Head: Catwa - Bento Daniel - LM: Catwa
Skin Head: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Hunt - Caramel - (September offert) - LM: [7DS] - MP: [7DS]
Skin Body: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Omega  Body applier - Trail Caramel - - LM: [7DS] - MP: [7DS]
Beard and Face Tattoo: CDC Creation's - Combo 6 - @The Darkness  - LM: CDC
Shoulder: Codex - Ulysses Shoulder - W/Hud colors - @Man Cave (10 sept) - LM: .::CODEX::. - MP: CODEX
Tattoo: Addicted To Ink - Yakuza: Hebi X Koi - (Colors and Black) - @Suicide Dollz - LM: Addicted To Ink
Necklace: !NFINITY - Sharktooth Necklace (Cames W/Hud colors) - LM: !NFINITY

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