sabato 22 luglio 2017

Under The Sea

Facepaint: Vengeful Threads - Cymopoleia Facepaint (Catwa & Omega) @ Applique on 7/15LM: Applique - LM: Vengeful Threads
Eyes: Vengeful Threads - Original Mesh - Monstruo Mesh Eyes
          (Mesh eyes modifiable, can set the "white" to different colors if you want)
          @ The Darkness MonthlyLM: The Darkness Monthly - LM: Vengeful Threads 
Outfit: Jomo - Jomo male Naga Set D - MP: Jomo
Tattoo: Isuka Tattoo - Ramses tattoo - @ MOM - LM: MOM - LM: ISUKA TATTOO
Piercing Chin: !NFINITY - Disturbia Piercing V.2 - (W/Hud Colors) - LM: !NFINITY

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